3C RailFusion
The 3C portal is the fusion of your rail assets and 3C Telemetry sensing and tracking solutions. It's your place to access the trackers and sensors in your fleet.
Our new Locomotive Monitoring Unit (LMU4) brings the latest cellular, GPS and connected technologies to your locomotive fleet, featuring drop in replacement* with the older Lat Lon LMU devices in select installations along with a fresh new approach to fleet management using our web portal.
*Assumes legacy installation with engine temperature probe, exterior mounted LTE and GPS antennae and standard electrical cabinet terminal block wiring.
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Born from telemetry
3C Telemetry was born from a background of specialized telemetry. All 3 of the founding members were instrumental in the first generation AAR S-2043 Safety System Monitoring project for high value cargo. Since that first project, we have branched out to develop, manufacture and support the Generation II project for S-2043 SSM.

Hot Bearing System
Developed to help specialty railcars comply with the AAR S-2043 Safety Standard, our hot bearing detection system puts a wireless temperature sensor on every bearing so you can be assured of complete coverage.
Locomotive Monitoring Unit
Railroads have been getting telemetry data from their locomotives since the early 1990’s. The data provides railroads with critical information for many purposes including safety, operations, maintenance, and security.
Several competing GPS telemetry systems used cellular communications to transmit the data to the Internet where it could be processed by the railroads. The cellular communications providers have implemented technological advances to keep up with the demand for more data over the recent years, and earlier systems have gone obsolete.
3C Telemetry has developed a plug-and-play solution for railroads that have earlier 3G locomotive monitoring systems (i.e. Lat-Lon-RailRider) installed in their locomotives. The new system still uses cellular communications to send data to the Internet, but uses the newest LTE (long-term evolution) communications technology.
The new 3C Telemetry system has been enhanced with more inputs that can be utilized for monitoring locomotive parameters such as fuel level, coolant temperature, air pressure, traction motor current, horn, bell, and cab signals. The system has up to twelve (12) 72V digital inputs and up to eight (8) analog inputs.
Powerful customized reporting, mapping and email or SMS notifications can be set up for different events like low or high coolant temperature.

Ultra-Safe Railcar
According to a Nation Wide Car Shipping article dated February 7, 2022, the most secure railcar in North America is the rail escort vehicle (REV). The railcar looks like a caboose but its isn’t. It is essentially an armored car on rails with surveillance equipment and advanced communications capabilities to keep the shipment of spent nuclear fuel safe. The Navy and the Department of Energy will be using the railcars to transport spent nuclear fuel to a geologic repository in the future.
3C Telemetry developed the onboard monitoring system for the railcar required by the Association of American Railroads (AAR). The AAR establishes rules and standards for the North American railroads. The AAR has a performance specification for trains used to carry high-level radioactive material, known as S-2043.